Saturday, April 26, 2008

AC Audio\Video WINS

The first baseball game of the year for AC Audio\Video gets recorded in the WIN column! The boys played GREAT baseball today. We scored 7 runs in the first inning, and held them to NONE. Vienna #1 returned the favor in inning 2 though, BUT we gave up only one run to them. The 3rd inning we caught fire again and chalked up another 7 runs. Vienna needed to score 4 runs to keep from being mercied! They gave us run for it, but when the dust settled, they loaded the bases but only got 2 across home plate. Despite the win... we decided to play on for another inning, just for the practice and to change things up a little. We were still doing great and we even got to put in some of the lesser experienced of our pitching staff. They were all doing great. We ended up scoring another 5 runs before we headed off the field. Great job boys, fantastic victory!

Not to blow the horn too loudly for my own son, but Cole stole home plate TWICE! He was really proud of that, and so was I... and YES, I told him so!

In that respect baseball is a lot like poker. It's A LOT more fun...when you're winnin'!

Whew... had to get the poker reference in there.



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