Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Leaving work early today

As the title says, I'm leaving work early today. YEAH!!! Unfortunately, I've doing so only to get home and mow the lawn. I can't wait until my normal quitting time and then do it, because Cole has baseball tonight, and tomorrow, and besides all that, it's supposed to start raining tomorrow. If I have any hope of taming the jungle that my lawn has already become, it's gotta be dealt with now! I guess I'll substitute a lawn mowing cardio workout for my treadmill run.

I haven't felt much in the writing mood for the past few days, and it's probably shown hasn't it... Work has had me busy, and pondering a great many problems. By the time I get a few free cpu cycles in my day, writing down my thoughts and observations has been the last thing on my mind. But then I remember; I don't write, you don't read. Blog no workie. But I'm warning you all baseball season for the kids takes up a lot of time for them and me too. And despite the fact that I'm not coaching this year, I might as well have taken on that job too. So, far I've been on the field with them every practice. Warming them up, working on drills, and fundamentals. Whether I've been in the mood or not! But remember, it is for the children. Sounds like a "liberal" battle-cry doesn't it.

But I need to tie up a few loose ends before heading out, so this'll have to tide you over kids. Gotta run...



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