Monday, April 07, 2008

Ted Arneault stepping down as MTR Gaming's front man

According to a variety of sources Ted Arneault will at the end of the year step down as chairman and chief executive officer of MTR Gaming. Recall I've written before of MTR Gaming, as they are the company which operates the Mountaineer Casino and Racetrack to my north in Chester, WV. Despite the good fortune which allowed the Chester based casino to open first a poker room and then later full casino gaming, and what would appear to be record crowds the greater corporation conglomerate has continued to see declining profits. In fact when a company reports in its 2007 annual report that it lost $11.4 million, well that tends to suggest a losing session. At least that's what I'd tend to call it. Heck, I lose $11.40 in an online session and I feel like a failure, but I digress.
Read the rest of the coverage here:

It must be pointed out that MTR has "unloaded" a number of its other properties already in an attempt to focus on more of its closer-to-home properties, right here in the hills of West By God Virginia. I hope the move leads to greater stability for both MTR and the region's gambling as a whole. We'll just have to stay tuned.

Ted Arneault has held the CEO spot of MTG Gaming now for 13 years. Oddly enough that was always a lucky number for me. MTR and Mr. Arneault seem to be a bit tight lipped on additional details of his departure from the company. Regardless though, in the interest of good karma, I wish the man well... it's a tough market for the unemployed. : )

Sorry this is about as serious as I get on the journalistic front gang. If you came here looking for cutting edge reporting, boy is your search engine outa whack!



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