Monday, April 28, 2008

Lost weekend...lost time

I was a casualty in the latest battle of the war against Jack Daniel's. But my friends didn't leave me behind. I guess the no man left behind motto holds true. It was Saturday night... at the Eagles. Prior to getting there, Big Red and I and the Brothers headed to Don Emilo's restaurant. Unfortunately, only Teresa had food along with her alcohol. That fact becomes important later. Anyway, Chris and I put down a pitcher of beer, while the girls opted for some Italian Margaritas, on the shhtrong side! We left there and headed up to enjoy the band and continue the evening of debauchery. Our favorite bartender "hooked" us up immediately with her special Jack and Diet mixture. I'm not sure there's much in the way of ice...or any cola at all thinning down the alcohol. "SMOOTH!" The night continued on that way.

Eventually, a poker game started up. I remember that part. I remember buying in for $20. Beyond that are merely factoids and blurbs of consciousness. In short, I lost time. I'm told I rebought into the game. I'm told that my eyes appeared glassy, and focus was a thing of the past. I checked the wallet the next day, and discovered that I was really only down $8 for the night. I guess the rebuy worked out to some degree. Frankly, I couldn't tell you a hand I played. All I really know is that I awoke on my couch the next morning. Tired, still vaguely drunk, but remarkably without a headache of any sort. Maybe if I'd eaten (remember I said that was important) there would be a bit of recall to be had. But hey, that's what friends are for. They served as my memory for the night. They following afternoon, we all headed over to the Wolfe's for a cookout. He grinned when he tried to offer me a beer, "a little of the hair of the dog that bit ya!" I had suspicions that I'd gone over the edge of drunkenness, Frank served to confirm that. He reminded me that there had been a porcelain visit in the late night. I was informed of the drunk talk I had with him on the way home, by the way he drove me. I'm not sure about all that but hey, he got me home, so I can't be complaining. I also found out that I had a bit of a partner in drunken crime... Laura! Atta Girl!!!

Anyway, it sounds like I must have had a great time. The parts I remember, were a lot of fun and I hope to do 'em again. I hope to remember more of them next time. But hey, it's not often that I tie one on that tight. I got to blow off some steam. Thanks all for putting up with me. I'll return the favor some day.

So, in this weekend's battle, Jack Daniels won out. I was beaten. But I'll redouble my efforts for next time. And yes there will be a next time. I will be avenged!

But if I'm planning to play cards... I'll stick to beer, and only a very few of them.

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