Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Snoring and sleep deprivation

I may have to get some help. My snoring has gotten worse, and it persists. While I acknowledge that it's affecting my wife's ability to sleep, I don't think that she fully believes me when I say that it's having an affect on me as well. My snoring is NOT an indication of sound, restful sleep. On the contrary, it's the body trying desperately to keep oxygen coming into the body, so I don't die. If the opposite were true then I'd be quite alert throughout the day, and fell well-rested. As it is however, I feel exhausted, lethargic, and I'm playing the role of a grump to a T! When I got home from work yesterday, I immediately grabbed a pillow and laid on the floor in front of the tv and caught up on my sleep. I had to get up though, not long after that and head to baseball with Cole. It was cold, windy, I pulled a muscle in my arm, and well the whole experience just sucked last night. We returned home late, and took care of a few odds and ends and I finally got to bed at an "early for me" 10:30pm. I vaguely remember being yelled at more than a couple of times last night by my wife to roll over, or stop snoring, or some expletive or other.
I struggled out of bed at 5:45am this morning. I felt so tired that I shook a bit. I think I even cat-napped through my shower. I was at work by 6:30 still wishing for death, as it might be a soothing/calming rest. Not too long ago, Laura came to my desk to ask a question, but first had to ask me if I was awake. Much like the picture above... I was out. Coffee right in front of me. Dual monitors of my computer staring mindlessly at the spectacle. How pathetic. Was I snoring? Had I just drifted off? I don't have clue.
Here are the things that I know. I'm overweight, not enormously so, but more than enough. I had (in the past) surgery for polyps in my nasal cavity. I know that I have a deviated septum, which was diagnosed once upon a time before my 17th birthday. It's as obvious as the over sized nose on my face too. All I have to do is look in the mirror and one nostril is clearly smaller than the other. I'm busy, and I don't tend to leave things at work, I bring problems home with me. I dream about them as well. I don't feel relaxed very often. I'm sure among all these "symptoms" I've established myself as the ideal candidate for a sleep disorder of sorts. Maybe I should bite the bullet and just go to the doctor about it. Maybe I can get some help/relief. Maybe my wife can too.
I know I'm rambling on here a bit, but I'm still feeling groggy here people. Cut me just a bit of slack, okay?

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