Friday, April 11, 2008

An evening's ramble, with sincere finish

I ask you... is this a news article. Penned by the fine folks at the Associated Press, does this qualify?

Yes, I'm interested... just because it's related to the parent companies of one of the only (current) 2 full fledged casino/racetracks in the state of West By God Virginia. But I mean I've got Google Alerts watching for little tidbits like this. It hardly qualifies as a news article though. Hell, it looks like a mini quote from a prospectus sent out to MTR Gaming investors. I guess I just don't get what is truly newsworthy.

And a shout out to the ass hat who caught his two outer against me earlier. Glad to see that someone else took your/my chips from you shortly after you temporarily felted me. Then, I read your profile on the site, and found that Gus Hansen was your fave player ever, and you hadn't even hit the age of 25 yet. Bad news for ya dude... the whole frackin' table wrote down your name. I swear, and if they didn't I'm telling everyone I know... and staking them. But... as usual I digress.

The bright side to the story, I throw some cash out to the evil realm of blackjack (online) and for once, double up, win back what I lost to the aforementioned ass hat, and then I was able to continue playing comfortably for the remainder of the "late-night."

And now wonder of wonders... I'm on an upswing, of course fueled, by the evil minions of the accursed Jack Daniels.

Okay cheer_dad quitcherbitchin!

Despite all my whining and my woe-is-me talk today, I need to pause and be thankful. Others have had it worse than me today... and I've got no reason to complain further. Some very sad news came today to some very special and dear friends of mine. I'm very sorry. And at the risk of sounding quite sappy, I love you both very much. Whatever, whenever... we're here for you. Hope to see you very soon!



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