Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Am I a motherless ****!?

Sometimes despite the best of moves the pot goes the wrong way. I dropped just shy of a single buy-in last night at the tables on Bodog. Although I was four tabling and put in roughly 400 hands quite honestly one hand was the make or break point. From late position I limp call with a 10-Jos. Four of us to the flop, which comes out A-Q-K rainbow. Sweet! There's a $1 bet out from the first to act, which gets a single caller before it gets to me. I make it $4 to go. The original bettor mashes the all-in button, the other guy drops out and of course I call. I flip my straight, he flips two pair Kings and Queens. Bodog didn't leave me long to anticipate, as the turn is one of his 4 outs, another Queen, and my stack is all but gone on the table. And so I watch the $45 pot going the wrong way. Nice hand sir... I don't go on tilt, I'm not overly upset, just stack poorer. It did make me think back to a hand from a few rounds before in which I won a decent pot and felted a short-stack on the same table. He unleashes a short volley of profanities on me for having "sucked out" on him, albeit his profanities don't have a shot of getting through the Bodog filter. I didn't bother to engage him or point out that he overlooked the fact that he called a preflop raise by me, with my KK, and he in mid-position called with the mighty Q-10os. He hit a Queen on the flop and therefore felt compelled to call my ever escalating pot-sized bet. And then he found a 10 on the turn, for his two pair, at which time he mashed the all-in button for his last $3... which by this time isn't even a 1/3 of the pot. Uhhh, yeah I'm calling now if for no other reason than morbid curiosity. The river pairs the board but not his Q or his 10, but instead a mighty deuce. So I suckout on him with Ks and 2s. How can I play so poorly. Most of the "censored" things he said about me are probably true, but I'll never know since I can't read the asterisks. But I probably am a motherless ****! And even a stupid ****-******! I'm just not quick-witted enough to have passed along these terms of endearment when it happened to me. I just made a player note and sighed. Okay, I did go so far as to write at the bottom of the player note... "he's just keeping that $45 pot warm for you cheer_dad. It'll come your way next time." I know, such a scathing remark.

It is kinda comical how wound up we can get over these paltry sums... but then again it is the beginnings of a bankroll. But I can absorb the hit and take it in stride. It stings maybe a little more since my previous "failed Bodog session" cost me a couple buy-ins to, and I have myself to blame for those. Yesterday's session was supposed to be a rebuilding day, not a dig deeper into the roll day. But the previous session was on me. I played too long, and too buzzed for my own good. So, now I pay the price for it. So now the the Bodog bankroll is at $515 instead of escalating passed $700 as I had planned. But for a few key hands and that's where we'd be today boys and girls. I reviewed my play after yesterday, and found nothing to scoff at, nothing for which I was to blame. Just a dry session for the most part. But it does shine a glaring light on the fact that I can ill afford foolishness during any other and future sessions. It's something to remember. The roll is to be cherished and protected, and not ventured and wagered in folly or jest. Perhaps I'm overly serious about this wading around in the kiddie pool of the poker water park, but I think now's the time to develop habits, and I mean good ones, which will carry me on forward to success. Now, if I could just find more time in which to make good on these best laid plans. : )

In other news... my daughter Whitney had all of her wisdom teeth taken out yesterday. I'll be checking in on her throughout the day, to see if she's feeling alright. Today she'll likely be much more sore than she was yesterday. But she's tough and it won't keep her down for long.

Cole's basketball season is nearly over. The school/county league is over, and just the tournament remains to be played in the rec league. That will come to a close the weekend after next. Bowling continues every Saturday. His average was at like 76 when he had league this weekend. He bowled a 93, 101, and 119 for his series. The 119 game didn't start off so well, and he was beginning to "tilt" but then out of nowhere, he rolls 3 strikes in a row for the turkey! Nice going.

By the end of March, my free-time is going to disappear. Looks like I'll be coaching a baseball team again this year. Time to get the arm limbered up. The skills demo is this Saturday the 14th and then the next week is the draft. From then on through June/July I'll be at the ball fields all the time. I'll try to keep up on the blog, but you'll have to cut me some slack, okay?




BWoP said...

It's all about forming good habits! Just keep your head about you, and you'll do just fine :-)

Short-Stacked Shamus said...

That story is reminding me of a PLO hand I played about six months ago in which I hit a one-outer to steal a $50 pot. Dude preflop raised, I called w/J-J-x-x, flop came A-J-x. Can't recall the order of things exactly, but I very recklessly got it all in despite being very conscious of the fact that I was in deep doo doo.

Anyhow, I river the case jack, take the pot, and the dude proceeds to rant for the next ten minutes or so (with lots of "****" in there, of course). I say nothing; I know I donked it up. Finally (and this was my favorite part), after realizing I'm never going to respond, he types something like "you have no idea, do you?" and finally leaves the table.

Best just to let 'em lose it, I suppose, though it can be fun to type "hee haw" in such situations, too.

Short-Stacked Shamus said...

(Didn't mention, but I guess it's obv. the dude had A-A-x-x there.)

cheer_dad said...

Thanks BWoP and Shamus! In fact the next session (The Ducks) found me making the same moves and them working out the way they should this time, at least mathematically. And I didn't even get called any names! : )
Maybe they found it difficult to type through their tears, and just stuck with the obligatory "nh"! : P

