Thursday, March 05, 2009


So, thanks to the impending reorganization and transitional planning I have taken on the lead responsibilities of two teams. Thank you Uncle Sam! Nothing like serving many masters to send you off in a complete tailspin. My days have zipped by though, and quite frankly I've gained some new found purpose to my life. It is particularly challenging to be the go to guy for a team which manages an infrastructure which you know very little about. I'd like to say that hours of study and persistence have been involved by to be frank it's been total and absolute immersion. Attending the meetings, taking point, and asking a boatload of questions on my way to make a decision which ultimately gets pushed out as binding to the users. So, I felt the picture of the juggler was very appropriate. Except that jugglers are skilled first before attempting the feat live. I did teach myself to juggle though many moons ago, when as a father I was relieved to get my then baby-girl down for her nap, and then returned to the living room to pick up and found a set of blocks scattered out on the floor. I took the duration of her nap to learn the trick. I'm not great at it, but it does always get a few eyes of wonder stares down at the baseball field.

In the current situation though it's not blocks or balls I'm juggling. It's services and customers and service level agreements and the almighty measuring stick of all METRICS!!! Boo Hiss! I know, I know let it go. But thus far, I'm managing it. I'm not particularly feeling stressed. I'm actually enjoying myself a bit. Of course until the full-fledged reorg actually hits, they're probably considering that I'm operating all ROGUE. They'll likely crack down on my silly shenanigans when they finally pull the trigger.

But enough about work. The hoped for, prayed for, begged for trip to Cross Lanes and all the pokery goodness I can stand will likely NOT be happening this weekend, which very likely kills the idea for the rest of the month. There are just too many other conflicting games and other commitments which will jockey themselves to the forefront. Don't lecture me on poker priorities. Trust me, I know...I know... There is what promises to be a fun time this Friday at the local Art Center an event which they've entitled the Mardi Gras Beer Tasting!!! A number of local micro brews will be on tap as it were for the sampling/imbibing. I never thought I'd be drinking beer all the while helping the arts! I love beer. To help the party along Big Red and I will be in the company of Chris and Laura, and the Yanoks! They may ban us thereafter. That's all I'm sayin'! Have I mentioned my favorite artform is the nude?

ANYWAY, time to wrap this thang up folks and call it a post.

It's a post.



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