Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I don't know what it is...

I don't know what it is, but ever since I was forced to change my schedule from 4 -10hr days to a 5-4-9 breakdown, I'm "dying" in here at work! Working an hour less per day, but I swear I need a NAP! Go figure?! Plus I have to endure Mondays again. ARGGGGH!

Last night, I had to coach baseball practice. We ended up scrimmaging with another team, which made it nice for the kids. But 5:30--7:30 was a bit extreme even for me. And joy of joys, I get to do it again tonight. Well it is for the kids, though.

I made a quick night of poker last night, just putting in time to accumlulate 10 points on Pokerroom.com. Sitting at about 86.xx now, and need a total of 400 to clear the Nevada Jack chips promotion. Past two sessions on there have NOT been profitable, so I've lost back some of the big pot that I raved about. However, I do have to say, I've been impressed with my own discipline. I've laid down some monster hands, when I the flop was not my friend, and was getting sandbagged by others at the table. I tended to shy away from the way over the top raises this time. I watched too many of these happen last night to others, who opted to call and were crushed by turn and river cards, over and over again. It was not a night for the good guys. All in all though, I didn't finish up, but for 80 hands or so played, I was down only a couple $'s at $25 buy-in no limit. One day soon it'll all come back around to me. Until then, I'm still making my points, biding my time, and taking lots of notes on the morons that I've been watching who think they're really playing the game right. Sometimes you can tell that someone is bluffing over and over again, but the cards never come for you to do anything about it. Donate or leave. I'm still quite please with my current standing on this card room. $50 has been turned into $120+. In a few weeks I should easily clear the 400 points. Then, it'll be on to the next promotion.

Also, I want to give a shout out to Poker Savvy, thanks for the promos and the freerolls, please visit their site to participate:

Poker Savvy



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