Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Looks like I'll be firing up the mower tonight...

With the way the rest of the week is stacking up against me, I think I'll go ahead and mow the grass tonight after work. The last 2 times that I've had to mow, it has taken forever, because with all the fertilizer and the warm/wet weather, the grass is REALLY taking off! So at least for a while a mid week mowing is in order, along with the weekend. It has to be tonight, because Thursday night I have baseball practice, and might actually wander into the Eagles for the winner take all drawing. Friday night I'm hosting Card Night. 16 players lined up and ready to play NLHE. Saturday at 2:00 I have a baseball scrimmage game. Sunday, I have some online tourney options to consider. I still have the TEC on to play, for $100,000 pot. That needs to be done with lots of preparation and relaxation. Could be something...could be nothing. Also, is hosting a tourney on on Sunday as well. Before then I need to consider making my initial deposit/pick a bonus plan. Work the system, stick it to the man...

Time for me to fly...regards,


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